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Release Name:
Monthly View:
Data Release Calendar For The Year 2024 (10 Days)
Date Time Release Period Reference Period OSP
31 July 2024 Wednesday 10:00 Locational and Consolidated Banking Statistics (Bank for International Settlements-BIS Statistics) Quarterly 1. Quarter 2024 O
31 July 2024 Wednesday 14:30 Monthly Money and Banking Statistics Monthly June 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Debit and Credit Cards - Sectoral Expenditure Statistics Weekly 30. Week 2024
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of Banks (Stock Data, %) (Monthly) Monthly June 2024
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of State Banks (Stock Data, %) (Monthly) Monthly June 2024
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Weekly International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity Weekly 30. Week 2024
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Weekly Money and Banking Statistics Weekly 30. Week 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Weekly Securities Statistics Weekly 30. Week 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 14:30 Weighted Average Interest Rate For Deposits ( TL / USD/ EURO ) (Stok Data %) (Monthly) Monthly June 2024
01 August 2024 Thursday 15:30 Deposits Subject to Reserve Requirement Weekly 29. Week 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 15:30 Participation Funds Subject to Reserve Requirements Weekly 29. Week 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 17:00 Weighted Average Interest Rates For Banks' Loans (Flow Data, %)(Weekly) Weekly 30. Week 2024 O
01 August 2024 Thursday 17:00 Weighted Average Interest Rates for Deposits (Flow Data %) (Weekly) Weekly 30. Week 2024 O
02 August 2024 Friday 14:30 Foreign Exchange Assets and Liabilities of Non-Financial Companies Monthly May 2024

(O) Released within the context of the Official Statistical Programme (OSP). "National Data Release Calendar" including all data categories within OSP is available at the web site of Turkish Statistical Institute.