2.13 Training Activities

Training activities consist of trainings organized by the CBRT and other institutions and organizations, as well as those offered via the Digital Learning Program.

Table 2.13.1: Distribution of Training Activities by Training Source
Training Source Number of Courses Attendance Training Duration
(Total Training Hours)
Training Courses Organized by CBRT 101 3,843 36,461
Training Courses Organized by Other Institutions and Organizations 40 217 6,210
Training Courses Offered via Digital Learning Platform 774 16,303 10,106
Total 915 20,363 52,777

In 2023, there were a total of 20,633 attendances in a total of 915 training courses. (Table 2.13.1). The CBRT personnel received a total of 52,777 hours of training across all training activities. The average participant learning was 13,11 hours per person.

Table 2.13.2: Distribution of Training Activities by Training Method
Training Method Attendance Percentage (%)
E-Learning (Digital Learning Platform) 17,591 86.39
Virtual Classroom (Online Training) 323 1.59
In-Class 2,449 12.03
Total 20,363 100

In 2023, the distribution of training activities according to training method reveals that 86.39% were conducted through e-learning, 12.03% in a classroom, and 1.59% in a virtual (online) classroom environment (Table 2.13.2).

2.13.1 Training Programs Organized by the CBRT

In 2023, the CBRT held 72 different training courses in 101 groups. A total of 3,843 participants attended training programs adding up to 36,461 hours.

Out of 101 groups of training in 2023, 32 were provided through in-house resources (in-house trainers, department officials), 63 were outsourced (firms, institutions, etc.), and 6 were held via Digital Learning Platform.

Table Distribution of CBRT-Organized Training by Categories
Training Categories Number of Courses Attendance Percentage (%)
Legal Compulsary Trainings 28 1,945 50.61
Conferences 4 835 21.73
Technical and Functional Trainings 51 744 19.36
Soft Skill Trainings 9 171 4.45
Competency Development and Leadership Trainings 7 114 2.97
Orientation Trainings 2 34 0.88
Total 101 3843 100

Legal Compulsory trainings comprised 50.61% of the total attendance in CBRT-organized training activities, while conferences and technical and functional development training accounted for 21.73% and 19.36%, respectively (Table Moreover, digital competence development programs, Orientation Trainings tailored specific to title, human resources development programs, audit training courses, information technology training, and personal development training were prominent in 2023.

A total of 875 employees participated in the “English Speaking Club,” held at Ümraniye, Fenerbahçe, Ulugöl, and Karaköy Offices during lunch breaks throughout the year in 140 groups, led by a native English-speaking instructor in order to enhance the CBRT employees’ speaking proficiency in English.

As part of international programs, the “Training of Trainers” program, organized in cooperation with the CEF to increase the knowledge and experience of the participants (8 CBRT employees and 12 international participants) and to strengthen their capabilities as trainers, contributed to the cooperation with international organizations and the upskilling of in-house trainers.

2.13.2 Training Programs Organized by Other Institutions and Organizations

A total of 197 CBRT employees participated in 24 short-term local training programs organized by other institutions and organizations in 2023. Furthermore, 20 employees took part in 16 different training programs organized by other central banks and international organizations.

As part of graduate studies, 107 employees, 28 of whom recently enrolled in 2023, pursued their studies (master’s and PhD) in Türkiye. Four CBRT-scholarship holders (one PhD and three master’s students) completed their studies abroad in 2023, and were appointed to their positions, while one scholarship holder is currently pursuing their postgraduate education. Moreover, 10 of our employees are entitled to receive external scholarships, two for PhD and eight for master’s degrees, in 2023 while three CBRT employees continued their education on external scholarships.

As part of academic staff assignment, 12 employees were assigned to give lectures at universities for a semester and 34 employees were appointed to share information as short-term instructors at institutions and organizations.
