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7 November, Thursday:

8.45-9.00             Opening Remarks
Erdem Başçı, Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

9.00-9.45             Keynote Speech
Frank Smets, The European Central Bank

9.45-10.15           Coffee Break

10.15-12.30        Session 1
Chair: Yusuf Soner Başkaya, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Optimal Monetary and Prudential Policies
Fabrice Collard, University of Bern
Harris Dellas, University of Bern
Behzad Diba, Georgetown University
Olivier Loisel, CREST (ENSAE)
Discussant: Karl Walentin, Sveriges Riksbank

Balance Sheet Policies in the Euro Area
Kai Christoffel, European Central Bank
Andreas Schabert, TU Dortmund University

Discussant: Massimiliano Pisani, Bank of Italy

OccBin: A Toolkit for Solving Dynamic Models with Occasionally Binding Constraints
Luca Guerrieri, Federal Reserve Board
Matteo Iacoviello, Federal Reserve Board

Discussant: Krzysztof Makarski, National Bank of Poland


12.30-14.00        Lunch

14.00-15.30        Session 2
Chair: Hakan Kara, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Monetary and Macroprudential Policies to Manage Capital Flows
Juan Pablo Medina,International Monetary Fund
Jorge Roldós, International Monetary Fund

Discussant: Hakan Kara, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Financial Intermediation, Exchange Rates, and Unconventional Policy in an Open Economy
Luis Felipe Céspedes, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez
Roberto Chang, Rutgers University
Andrés Velasco, Columbia University and Oxford University

Discussant: Emine Boz, International Monetary Fund

15.30-16.00        Coffee Break

16.00-17.30        Session 3
Chair: Mustafa Kılınç, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
A DSGE-Based Assessment of Nonlinear Loan-to-Value Policies: Evidence from Hong Kong
Michael Funke, Hamburg University
Michael Paetz, Hamburg University

Discussant: İnci Gümüş, Sabancı University
Monetary and Macroprudential Policy in Norway
Leif Brubakk, Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway)
Paolo Gelain, Norges Bank (Central Bank of Norway)
Discussant: František Brázdik, Czech National Bank


18.30- 19:30     Boat Tour on the Bosphorus

19:30-22.00      Gala Dinner


8 November, Friday:

9.00-10.30           Session 4
Chair: Yavuz Arslan, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Sovereign Risk and Bank Balance Sheets: The Role of Macroprudential Policies
Emine Boz, International Monetary Fund
Bora Durdu, Federal Reserve Board
Pablo D’Erasmo, University of Maryland

Discussant: Hande Küçük, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey


Managing Capital Flows in Emerging Markets: Reserve Option Mechanism as an
Unconventional Policy Tool
Salih Fendoğlu, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Yasin Mimir, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Enes Sunel, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Temel Taşkın, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Discussant: John Simon, International Monetary Fund

10.30-11.00        Coffee Break

11.00-12.30        Session 5
Chair: Necati Tekatlı, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Foreign Exchange Intervention in Colombia
Hernando Vargas, Banco de la República (Colombia)
Andrés González, Los Andes University
Diego Rodríguez, Banco de la República (Colombia)

Discussant: David Vavra, OG Research

Foreign Exchange Intervention and Monetary Policy Design: A Market Microstructure Analysis 
Carlos Montoro, Bank for International Settlements
Marco Ortiz, Central Reserve Bank of Peru and London School of Economics

Discussant: Salih Fendoğlu, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

12.30-14.00        Lunch

14.00-15.30        Policy Panel
Chair: Mehmet Yörükoğlu, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey

Douglas Laxton – International Monetary Fund
Hernando Vargas- Deputy Governor, Banco de la República (Colombia)
Mehmet Yörükoğlu – Deputy Governor, Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey