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Ýzmir, 21-24 May 2013




ESSIM is an annual meeting that brings together about 60 economists from across Europe and key researchers from outside the region. It provides a unique opportunity for macroeconomists from different research institutions and countries to discuss research in a relaxed atmosphere and to develop long-term collaborative relationships. Another important aim of ESSIM is to provide young researchers with the opportunity to meet and discuss their work with senior economists.


ESSIM is an annual meeting that brings together about 60 economists from across Europe and key researchers from outside the region. It provides a unique opportunity for macroeconomists from different research institutions and countries to discuss research in a relaxed atmosphere and to develop long-term collaborative relationships. Another important aim of ESSIM is to provide young researchers with the opportunity to meet and discuss their work with senior economists. 


The program combines workshop sessions with time for collaboration and consultation. There are plenary sessions, in which the papers with the most general appeal are presented to all participants, and parallel meetings, usually in the afternoon, consisting of two sessions devoted to the discussion of more specialized papers. There are special sessions for research areas of particular current interest.