1.3. Staff
In line with its strategic role in the economy, and the various tasks that it undertakes, the CBRT has qualified human resources comprised of different professions. As of end-2012, the total number of CBRT staff positions stood at 4,960. The number of staff employed was 4,584 and the occupancy rate was 92.42 percent.
A total of 102 staff members have ceased employment due to retirement, resignation, military service, transfer or death, while due to the excess workload of some departments, 284 employees have been recruited as either deputy executive director, deputy director, economist, assistant auditor, assistant informatics auditor, assistant computer specialist, bank officer, specialist doctor, engineer, technician, computer operator, security personnel, currency operator, secretary or atelier worker. Additionally, 5 staff members, who had left the Bank to complete their military services, have returned. Consequently, the actual number of staff members by the end of the year increased by 187 to 4,584 compared to 2011 (Graph 1).
The distribution of CBRT staff is as follows: 76.20 percent are represented by general administrative services, 11.43 percent by technical services, 0.46 percent by medical services, 0.28 percent by legal services, 11.63 percent by assistance services, and 16.62 percent by contract personnel.
Approximately 56.61 percent of the CBRT staff work at the head office, while 43.39 percent work at the branches. Based on age distribution of the staff, 40.45 percent of our personnel fall in the range of 18-35 years (Graph 2). Moreover, 68.89 percent of the Bank's employees have associate, bachelors, masters and doctorate degree. (Graph 3).