2.11. Training Activities
In 2012, 5,141 people participated in the training activities organized by the CBRT, 711 CBRT employees benefited from training activities organized by other institutions while 85 CBRT employees took part as speakers/lecturers in training activities organized by other institutions in Turkey and abroad.
2.11.1. Training Activities Organized by the CBRT
In 2012, 3,726 CBRT employees attended the programs organized by the CBRT. These programs are categorized as "Training Programs on Banking", "Training Programs on Development and Soft Skills", "Training Programs for Promotion", "Conferences and Panels" and "International Seminars Organized by the CBRT" (Graph 30).
In addition, 31 international participants attended the international training events organized by the CBRT (Graph 31).
For the "CBRT Introductory Program", 1,334 university students were enrolled in the internship program and given presentations about the CBRT. Moreover, 50 international students from Kazakhstan Ahmet Yesevi, Kazakhstan Süleyman Demirel, Kyrgyzstan-Türkiye Manas, Kyrgyzstan International Atatürk Alatoo and Macedonia International Balkan Universities attended a one-month internship program at the CBRT (Graph 31).
2.11.2. Training Activities Organized by Other Institutions
A total of 166 CBRT employees attended short-term training programs organized by other institutions in Turkey and 244 CBRT employees attended international short-term training programs of foreign institutions (Graph 32).
Furthermore, in accordance with the "Financial Support Program for Academic Studies", 156 CBRT employees participated in the training programs organized by other institutions.
During 2012, 85 CBRT employees, 29 of whom were recently enrolled, continued their Master's/PhD degree programs in Turkey, while 60 employees, including 22 recently enrolled, studied for Master's/PhD degree programs abroad (Graph 33).
2.11.3. Other Activities
In the area of "assignment of speakers/lecturers from the CBRT", 33 employees gave lectures in various training events organized by other institutions, 31 of them in Turkey and 2 of them abroad.
Moreover, 52 employees made academic presentations, 12 of them in Turkey and 40 of them abroad.
In addition, theses of 14 assistant specialists were examined and evaluated by the committee. All of these 14 assistant specialists were promoted as specialists in 2012.