1.1.4. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of the Governor and Deputy Governors. The Governor is appointed by the Council of Ministers to serve a five-year term. Deputy Governors are appointed for five years by a joint decree upon the recommendation of the Governor. Decisions of the Executive Committee are taken by a majority of all members.
The Executive Committee draws up regulations on the administration, organization and services of the Bank, and when the Governor deems necessary, it examines issues subject to Board decision in advance and prepares proposals to be submitted to the Board. The Committee is also responsible for ensuring the coordination of the Bank's operations and performing duties related to the appointment, remuneration, dismissal and retirement of personnel other than those appointed by the Board.
On 30 June 2012, Mr. Murat Çetinkaya was appointed as Deputy Governor for the seat vacated by the then Deputy Governor Dr. Mustafa İbrahim Turhan upon his appointment as the Chairman of the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) on 1 January 2012.
By 31 December 2012, members of the Executive Committee chaired by Governor Dr. Erdem Başçı were Deputy Governors Dr. Mehmet Yörükoğlu, Prof. Dr. Turalay Kenç, Necati Şahin and Murat Çetinkaya.