2.11. Training Activities
In 2015, 9,957 people participated in the training activities organized by the CBRT; 580 CBRT employees benefited from training activities organized by other institutions while 42 CBRT employees took part as speakers and lecturers in training activities organized by other institutions in Turkey and abroad.
2.11.1. Training Activities Organized by the CBRT
In 2015, 8,474 CBRT employees attended programs organized by CBRT. These programs are categorized as: “Training Programs on Banking”, “Training Programs on Development and Soft Skills”, “Training Programs for Promotion” and “Conferences and Panels” (Graph 35).
A total of 1,381 university students were enrolled in the “CBRT Introductory Program” and 11 university students completed internships. Also, 89 temporary staff and 2 participants from other institutions amountedto 91 people who attended training programs organized by the CBRT (Graph 36).
2.11.2. International Training and Technical Cooperation Activities
A total of 479 officials from central banks and related policy institutions of 78 countries, including officials from Turkey, participated in the international training and technical cooperation activities organized by the İMB in 2015. A total of 426 officials from Asia, Europe, and Africa and South America continents joined these activities.
The İMB organized 11 international training activities (i.e. seminar, workshop and course) on central banking issues with the participation of central banks, related policy institutions and international institutions in 2015. Two hundred ninety-four officials from central banks and related policy institutions of 62 countries, including officials from Turkey, participated in the international training activities (Graph 37). Overall, 241 officials from Asia, Europe, and Africa and South America continents joined these international training activities (Graph 38).
The İMB organized the following international training activities:
- Workshop on “Human Resources at Central Banks” in Istanbul on 8 - 10 April 2015.
- Seminar on “Balance of Payments and External Statistics” in Istanbul on 27 - 29 April 2015.
- Seminar on “Financial Stability, Financial Crises and Monetary Policy in Istanbul on 4 - 8 May 2015.
- Workshop on “Monetary Policy in Emerging Economies” in Izmir on 28 - 31 May 2015.
- Seminar on “Global Financial Integration and Capital Flows” in Istanbul on 10 - 12 June 2015.
- Seminar on “Payment Systems and Instruments” in Istanbul on 2 - 4 September 2015.
- Seminar on “Prudential Supervision and Macroprudential Regulations” in Istanbul on 14 - 18 September 2015.
- Seminar on “Foreign Exchange Reserve and Risk Management” in Istanbul on 30 September - 2 October 2015.
- Seminar on “Short-term Forecasting at Central Banks” in Istanbul on 9 - 13 November 2015.
- Workshop on “Islamic Banking and Liquidity Management” jointly organized with the World Bank Global Islamic Finance Development Center and the Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) in Istanbul on 16-17 November 2015.
- Course on “Introduction to Monetary Policy Modelling” in Istanbul on 7 - 11 December 2015.
With the intention of improving bilateral cooperation with the central banks and international institutions, the İMB organized 11 technical cooperation programs for various central banks on “Risk Management and Compliance”, “Human Resources Management”, “Balance of Payments Statistics and Collection and Analysis of Real Sector Data”, “Internal Audit Practices”, “Public Awareness, Resources Collection and Library Management”, “Monetary Policy Implementation and Modelling”, “Real Sector Indicators”, “Turkish Lira and Foreign Exchange Markets Management” and “Protocol Management System” in Ankara. Additionally, the İMB organized 4 technical cooperation programs abroad on “Financial Stability”, “Payment Systems” and “Cash Management”.
Moreover, within the scope of the MoU agreement between the Central Bank of Afghanistan and the CBRT, the İMB arranged 2 technical cooperation programs in Ankara for officials from the Central Bank of Afghanistan. Likewise, within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding agreement between Central Bank of Montenegro and the CBRT, the İMB arranged 3 technical cooperation programs in Ankara, 1 technical cooperation program in Istanbul and 2 technical cooperation programs in Podgorica/Montenegro for the officials from the Central Bank of Montenegro. Within the scope of the Memorandum of Understanding agreement between Bank Indonesia and the CBRT, the İMB arranged 1 technical cooperation program in Ankara for the officials from Bank Indonesia.
Furthermore, the İMB organized a regional workshop on “Maintaining Financial Stability with Widening Financial Inclusion: The Case of African States Workshop” in Istanbul specifically for the Sub-Saharan African Region within the technical cooperation activities.
The CBRT shared its experience on central banking issues with 185 officials from 28 central banks through these 25 technical cooperation programs.
2.11.3. Training Activities Organized by Other Institutions
A total of 122 CBRT employees attended shortterm training programs organized by other institutions in Turkey and 224 CBRT employees attended international short-term training programs by foreign institutions. Furthermore, in accordance with the “Financial Support Program for the Academic Studies”, 84 CBRT employees participated in training programs organized by other institutions (Graph 39).
During 2015, 111 CBRT employees, 19 of whom were recently enrolled, continued their Master’s and PhD degree programs in Turkey, while 39 employees, including 8 recently enrolled, studied for Master’s/ PhD degree programs abroad (Graph 40).
2.11.4. Other Activities
Within the category of “Assignment of Speakers and Lecturers from the CBRT”, 24 employees gave lectures in various training events organized by other institutions in Turkey. Moreover, 18 CBRT employees gave semester based lectures in different universities in Turkey.
In addition, thesis studies of 14 assistant specialists were examined and evaluated by the committee.