2.13 Cultural, Environmental and Corporate Social Responsibility Activities

In addition to fulfilling its primary duties and responsibilities, the CBRT also showed its sensitivity to cultural and environmental issues and took part in social responsibility activities, and continued to contribute to academic studies with donations and aid.

After the 1999 earthquake, the CBRT built the Central Bank Derince Anatolian High School with the contributions of the Bank of Greece. The CBRT has been awarding scholarships to graduates of this high school who have enrolled in a university and who satisfy certain criteria. The number of scholarship students reached a total of 34, eight of whom were awarded in the 2021-2022 academic year. A total of 128 students have received scholarships since 2002, when the school graduated its first students.

Fourteen conferences applied for the CBRT’s Financial Support Program for Academic Studies, and at the end of the evaluation process, 11 conferences were provided with financial support.

In line with its decision to support sustainable finance practices as a long-term policy without changing the main objectives of the monetary policy and with a view to limiting climate and other environmental-related risks, the CBRT has established a new unit called the “Green Economy and Climate Change Department”. The Department will carry out studies to identify the vulnerabilities and opportunities that climate change may create in the financial system and to reduce the related risks.

The CBRT Banknote Printing Plant received the Basic Level Zero Waste Certificate on 9 August 2021. The objectives of the Zero Waste Management System established in the scope of Zero Waste Certificate efforts are: preventing waste, using resources more efficiently, preventing or minimizing waste generation, collecting waste separately and recycling waste as material, energy or a new product. Although the Zero Waste Certificate primarily serves to prevent pollution and protect the environment, in a wider perspective, it also creates an infrastructure for sustainability studies and makes significant contributions to the reduction of carbon emissions and therefore the prevention of climate change.

A vast amount of forest land had been destroyed in big fires in different parts of our country, therefore, coordinating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the CBRT contributed to the “Breath for the Future” campaign by donating 1,000,000 saplings.

In the context of corporate social responsibility activities, the CBRT donated 3,162 pieces of miscellaneous furniture items (tables, chairs, computers, carpets, cameras, IT devices, etc.) to 29 public institutions in 2021.

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