1.2 Staff and Related Statistics

Acting in line with its mission to achieve price stability and contribute to social welfare by supporting financial stability, the CBRT employs highly-qualified and competent human resources. By the end of 2022, the number of permanent staff positions was 4,168, 90.57% of which was occupied by 3,775 employees.

In 2022, the number of staff members newly employed by the CBRT was 305, while 153 employees left the Bank. Thus, the number of people on the Bank’s payroll at the year-end increased by 152 to 3,775 over the previous year (Chart 1.2.1).

Of the CBRT’s staff, 59.71% are employed at the Head Office and 40.29% in branches. A breakdown of staff by age groups shows that the 36-45 age group makes up the majority (45.59%) of the staff (Chart 1.2.2). The share of staff holding associate, graduate and post-graduate degrees is 87.68% (Chart 1.2.3).

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