2.14 Corporate Social Responsibility Activities

In addition to fulfilling its primary duties and responsibilities, the CBRT continued to take part in social responsibility activities and contribute to academic studies with donations and aids.

After the 1999 earthquake the CBRT built the Central Bank Derince Anatolian High School to support the region and continued to provide financial aid to this school in 2022. The CBRT has been awarding scholarships to graduates of this high school who have enrolled in a university and who satisfy certain criteria. The number of scholarship students reached a total of 27 in 2022. A total of 128 students have received scholarships since 2002, when the school graduated its first students. Successful students were rewarded at the graduation ceremony held to encourage the level of success at the school. At the ceremony, the first five ranking graduates of the 2021-2022 academic year as well as the 2020 and 2021 graduates who were not able to receive their awards because the ceremony could not be held amid coronavirus measures, were also given plaques, cash prizes and gifts by the CBRT.

In the context of corporate social responsibility activities, the CBRT donated 1,148 pieces of miscellaneous items of fixtures (IT equipment, office, kitchen, health and security equipment, etc.) to 17 public institutions in 2022.

Following the earthquake disaster in our country, the CBRT contributed TRY 30 billion to the “Türkiye Beats with One Heart” campaign.

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